UIBM Italian Patent and Trademark Office

    This is the official website of the Italian Patent and Trademark Office, where you can find information on filing patent, trademark or design applications in Italy, including the forms and an up-to-date list of fees. Novelty searches can also be performed on the website.

    EPO European Patent Office

    This is the international public organisation created by the European Patent Convention and the office is located in Germany. The EPO is the principal organ of the organisation and is responsible for examining and granting European patents on the basis of the European Patent Convention. The site cannot be consulted in Italian.

    WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization

    This is the official website of the World Intellectual Property Organization, which deals with international patents (P.C.T.), trademarks and designs and also with issues relating to domain names. The website provides all the information needed for filing international patent, trademark or design applications, including the forms and an up-to-date list of fees. The site cannot be consulted in Italian.

    OHIM Office of Harmonization for the Internal Market 

    This is the official website of the office which manages the so-called Community Trade Marks (CTM) and Registered Community Designs (RCD) in Europe. This office performs the document entry procedures, according to the requirements of EU intellectual property law, simultaneously keeping public consultation registers. The site can be consulted in Italian.

    USPTO Unites States Patent and Trademark Office

    This is the official website of the US Patent and Trademark Office, which can be used to conduct novelty searches and obtain information on how to file patents and trademarks in the US. The site can only be consulted in English.